He is comfortably in 2t's now, wearing a 7.5 or 8 shoe (must be WIDE!!). I'm not sure what he weighs, but he is definitely looking tall and lanky lately. Don't worry, Liam is making up for that. He has a new obsession with chicken nuggets (or as he calls them chicken nuggins). He is also REALLY loving apples (app-ys), they must be peeled but like "a ball." M&M's are a big hit around our house and are almost as common of a bribe as suckers are.
He is so-so-so funny right now. Here are some funnies from lately:
*Ladybuggies (lady bugs)
*Come here honey! (when his little farmer lady is yelling at his little farmer man) - which also makes me think of "lady fitsin (fixin) supper" and "guy plow a field" Yep - he is definitely a boy!!
*"go GIT him"
*"go GIT him"
*counting: two, foa, five, six, second, eight, nine, ten!
*Continues to be pretty hung up on "all aboard" and "two tickens!"
*MUCH better at going to bed at night (we had about two weeks that WEREN'T easy). Now he says "night-night, hug, oonmo kiss (one more kiss)"
*Loves, loves, loves to watch the Ipad. Knows how to turn on Youtube and find the tractor and choo-choo videos. Loves the "tractor tom" videos, but prefers them in German (I know, weird).
*Hard to explain without seeing it, but now when he wants you to say yes to something, he'll ask then tilt his head, wrinkle his nose, and nod "yes". I guess hoping you'll do the same!
*One of his most common phrases, (after hearing something funny usually) "oh, shoot"..... could be worse I guess!
*with it being so close to Halloween, there are lots of decorated places with monsters. Lincoln likes to refer to them as "crazy guys"
*I may have posted this last month, I can't remember, but he can say his name "Wincoln" and his brother's "Wiam" very clearly now.
* When we're getting ready for bed, he will put his hands together and say "desus" (Jesus) to say his prayers (oh.so.cute)
*Can identify big and itty-bitty, up and down, asleep and awake, as well as a few other opposites
I think we MAY be actually making some headway in the pottytraining department now. He is still hiding to poop, but he has successfully pee-peed on the potty three times in the last two days! Baby steps people... Baby steps...
I'm assuming we haven't made it to the terrible two's yet - although we do tend to have a little trouble listening sometimes. When I have to take a stern voice with him, he USUALLY stops what he's doing and says (very quietly) "kay, kay (ok, ok)"
Funny story, we were at a baptizing the other day, and after they stopped singing - Lincoln decided he wanted to hear more. So in the still small quiet, he started yelling "SING SING SING!!!" Awesome...
Tonight I had to take him in the bathroom at a restaurant and pop his leg a little. When we came out, he told mim-mim, "get whoopin." Now when he gets scolded he usually hugs us and says, "sowwy" which really breaks your heart....
He is such a chunker it is not even funny!! Not sure, but i'd guess him right at 20 pounds - and I'm pretty sure 14 of it is in his thighs! He is loving him some baby food now. Especially cereal, peaches and green beans. He also LOVES to suck on a piece of apple or share a (mashed) banana with Lincoln. He is now in 12 month clothing, wearing a size 3 shoe, and a size 3 diaper during the day, 4 at night. He can roll from belly to back (9/16/11), but has yet to master back to belly.
He can now successfully sit up for a minute or two at a time (9/27/11), as long as he doesn't need to reach for anything at an angle!!
He is still taking 3 (sometimes 4!) 8 oz bottles a day as well as his cereal and usually a veggie or fruit. He did have some Los Bravos rice the other day which he loved (who wouldn't!!).
This baby laughs and coos constantly!! He SO loves attention, and he doesn't care who it's from - though he does tend to be REALLY amused by kids. He pretty much lets Lincoln man-handle him, but I can already see that he is ALMOST big enough to give it back a little. He rarely cries or fusses, but man when he is mad, he is MAD!
He will go to absolutely anyone, and is seriously a super easy baby. I think God knew I couldn't handle it otherwise!!! ;)
We do have our rough/whiney/crying/tempertantrum throwing days (sometimes the boys have them too!!), but I do know how good I've got it with these two! They are such sweet babies, and I thank God for them daily. Who knew these little boogers could have made me so happy??
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