Saturday, February 5, 2011

A quick note

We've been spending a lot of time with buddies lately! Our Wednesday class at the library is being very much enjoyed - and is breaking Lincoln out of his lonesome little world! Since it's just me and him most days, sometimes I feel like he's not around other kids enough. But we're working on it! And before long, he'll probably WISH it was just him! Thursday a couple of girlfriends came over and we had dinner and let the kids play. They are mostly older than Lincoln (and mostly GIRLS) so for the most part he just watched in awe.
But he keeps himself busy when it's just us. He loves cars now (and tractors), so I hear him in the living room making car noises a lot. And he loves to sweep (yes, as in the floors), so I give him a little sweeper and he pushes it around the living room for a good length of time. Gives me time to get a few things done too! Including REAL sweeping!

And can I just say "NO MORE SNOW PLEASE!!" I know I'm usually saying that we never get snow, but holy moly... It's snowing as I'm writing actually... Last weekend that we were at mom and dads we got TWO warm days - so of course Pap had to get out the mule. Couldn't hardly get this kid out of it!

And a new love we've found: writing! (Yes, of course I took the ink cartridge out of this pen - you don't see me scrubbing my cream colored couch in any of these pics do ya?) Lincoln really enjoys taking an ink pen and "scribbling" on a book. Crayons? Not so much. But a pen? Heck Yea!
And thank the Good Lord for Iphones. I've recently learned that if you have Netflix, you can get the free app for your phone and watch whatever you want! It's helped us make it through several Dr. appointments lately (thank you diabetes). A big shout out to the Wiggles, everyone!

And we had our 15 month checkup the other day as well. Dr. Rogers was so pleased at how good he was being! She actually got to check lots of things that she said she doesn't usually get to check because of squirmers! Well, we definately have a squirmer, but her little flashlight thingy had him so impressed that he just sat and watched her quietly the whole time she was checking him! She confirmed some things we already knew: He's a great eater, He's a great sleeper, and we better prepare ourselves for the havoc that #2 will bring!!

BTW: Lincoln is 25 pounds 13 oz (thats 65%), and 34.5'' tall (thats 95%). And he has a big noggin (No Ashley, I'm not making fun of you!) at 85%.
We are so proud of our big, sweet, loving, loud, growing boy!


Shanna said...

So sweet, hope baby boy #2 is doing great too!!

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