12 Month Update:
This guy... He is a CHARACTER!!! Momma's boy for sure!! Here's an update of what he's up to at 12 months...
He weighs 24.5 (68%) pounds and is inches long (74%). He is wearing 18-24 month clothing and a size 4 diaper. We are up to a 4.5 - 5 shoe.
This child will eat ANYTHING - and that he does... It also helps that he has 10 teeth! He particulary loves waffles/pancakes, bananas (even though I try to hide them from him because he STAYS constipated), lil crunchies, toast, apples (he likes to chew them into mush, then spit them out), yogurt, and peas. Not so much a meat lover yet... We managed to get rid of bottles the week prior to his birthday without a hitch.
He is crawling at the speed of light, but you better believe he is not even going to TRY to walk! He won't even attempt it if you aren't holding BOTH hands! But, he does push around anything that will move.
He's trying to repeat a lot more these days. But we're still mainly good at: momma, dada, moo, hi, buh-bye, and BALL... Oh, yes, anything that is vaguely round is a BALL these days... He continues to with lots of pointing and grunting, as well as making a very nasal sound instead of talking. Funny: he also snarls his nose up and sniffs at you to make you laugh. And, may I add, this child can SCREAM. I swear, some days I would give my eye teeth for some earplugs.
Liam is super social and will go to pretty much anybody (as long as you don't walk too far away from momma). He grins and waves at pretty much anybody we pass. And he LOVES other toddlers.
This guy sleeps like a champ. He's in bed between 830-9 and sleeps until 730. He also takes a three hour nap in the evening (around 2). He needs all this sleep to maintain the energy that is burnt protecting himself from his cRAzY big brother! If this kid ain't the toughest one in this house...
Oh, Liam. You little monkey... You're definitely my high maintenance child, but I guess I'll keep ya! :)
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