Still the same on clothing and diapers - but we've really noticed an "upward" change in his looks. He has really slimmed up since he's getting around better. And the child is finally filling in on that hair. The back of it sure does look curly sometimes!
He eats LOTS of table food now - and obviously loves corn on the cob! He can absolutely devour an ear of corn! He also loves peanut butter sandwiches, hot dogs, chicken nuggets, yogurt, toast, waffles, and vanilla wafers. There's actually not much he won't eat. We are down to one bottle in the morning and one bottle at night, whole milk in a sippy during the day. He's a true sippy champion! I really think we could just go without bottles all together at this point, but that one really early in the morning is gonna be hard for MOMMA to part with.
Liam is sleeping better now, still occassionally gets up around 5 or so, but goes back to sleep after a little drink and sleeps till 730 ish. (PS - by drink I mean a bottle - I save the good stuff for myself!!! I kid.. I kid...)
And boy, does this child ever love peek-a-boo. Totally cracks him up! Sometimes when you tell him to hide, he covers his ears which strikes me as funny. I guess if he can't hear you, you can't see him!! :)
Lots of new sounds and word attempts this month. Uses "momma" and "dada" to actually hollar at us now. Barks at "moo" (moose), and tries to repeat LOTS of things that Lincoln says. He's gotten pretty good with ball "baw" and tries bath "ba-ba" at times, too.
And yes, he still loves to demolish everything in the house.... But look!!! He's crawling (as my sweet brother Nathan says) like a "normal kid". He and Lincoln really get a kick out of crawl-chasing each other around the house. It's super cute until Lincoln sits on him... :(
He loves to be outside (and as you'll note) can NOT keep his shoes on to save his life. When you bring him downstairs now, he immediately points out the backdoor wanting to go outside. He's definitely a pointer. And you can't walk past the kid and not pick him up. Well, you *can* but you sure are going to hear about it.
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