Friday, December 20, 2013

Snow Day!

 We had our first "really good" snow the first week of december this year.  This is the first snow that's really been deep enough to do some serious sledding -- and the golf course made for the perfect sledding hills!  The front yard was actually the perfect "warm up" sledding spot.  :)
 The boys were really excited!

 How stinkin sweet are they?

 See?  The front yard made for a perfect short sled!

 Snowball fights all around!  This was the first day of the snow.  We ended up with 7-8 inches by the time all was said and done.  Made for nearly a week of good sledding!

 We had to try out a new snowflake craft since there were so many outside!  I made snowcream, too, but we ate it too quickly to take pics!


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