Friday, November 2, 2012

18 months

A year and a half already!  
 Liam is awesome.  Really.  He is his daddy.  You should think about this when you have children.  "Do I really want two of this person to take care of?"  I kid.  I kid...  Seriously, other than the fact that his voice is, like, 20 decibels above that of a normal child, he is awesome.  He is absolutely hilarious, and must do EVERY THING that his brother does.  That being said, potty training at 18 months is a definite plus!
 Liam is a total momma's boy.  The two things I hear most in life right now are, "Mommy, mommy, mommy" and "holdjyou".  I must say, the "holdjyou" thing is pretty stinkin cute.
 He is absolutely non-stop.
 Stats:  Liam is wearing a 24 month, or 2t in his clothes.  He's in a size 6 shoe.
He wears a size 4 diaper, but has been consistently requesting to go #2 for a couple of weeks now.  Hopefully, this is a good sign and he's not just trying to get me excited!
He LOOOOOVES "dough doughs" (doughnuts) and it is simply all he is going to eat for breakfast.  You may as well not even offer anything else.  He also likes apples, peas, mashed potatoes, and emems (mandm's).
He is running and climbing everything.  Always wants you to Tase! (chase).  But if you get to close, he'd rather you just hold him and run.  Constantly wants to be "a-side" (outside).
He can point to and/or name eyes, ears, nose, head, hands, feet, neck, chin, tongue, teeth, feet, etc.  His speech is just crazy right now, and he's putting together 4 word phrases like a boss.  Another fun side effect of having an older brother.
He can tell you his name, as well as his brothers.  AND tell you whats "mine" and what's "ee-ins" (Lincolns)
Loves to dance and sing, as well as "read" books to you.  He's awesome with a spoon and a fork.  And the kid LOVES some "Paydough".
But the child sure is a drama queen...
 And he is a total disaster...  Yep, that's peanut butter.
 and yup, that's poop...
 But he is the best cuddler, loves to snuggle, loves his blanket, and loves to rub "nonez" (noses).
So, I guess it evens out...  :)


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