Here are some good "Lincoln-ism" as of late:
I was getting onto him for making a mess the other day, and in the middle of my rant, he says, "Mommy - hush! Be quidet! Wiam is sweeping!!" (Pretty sure I know where he's heard that one before)
While he was making a mess in mim-mims closet, I walked in to make him get out. He says, "mommy - stop! Evweething thats in this woom.....Stays in this woom" (Insert lots of hand gestures on that one)
He's figured out that it's a lot of fun to pick his nose lately (I think just because we tell him not to). Here are a few comments we've gotten when telling him to stop: "I WOVE to pick boogers!" "Wait a minute! It's vewy impoatant!" "This one wooks wike a snake! a BIG snake!"
"We go to Tahget? I WOVE tahget!" - he definitely hasn't heard me say that!! ;)
Potty training is going pretty well. Peepee is pretty much down pat (as long as we give LOTS of reminders) but pooponpotty (as he says) is just eh... We have been experiencing some constipation issues lately, probably related to holding it in to avoid the potty. Either way, the other morning, I went in to get him out of bed. He says, "mommy, I pooped in bitches. It was hard to get out. I got a book, I wead it to you!" I guess he thought the latter would distract from the poop delimma?
licking the brownie batter
Other common sayings:
"I wove you" (most commonly heard when talking to pap)
"You need hewp?" (the other day at chicfila's germpit, a little girl got stuck climbing. Lincoln steps up and says, "you need hewp wittew giwl?
"I don't wike dat"
"I can not bewieve it!"
"be pa-tent" or "be safe"
"don't bover me!"
"see, I toad you!"
"dangit" (really proud of that one....)
See what I mean? He has really been cracking us up. And most usually, it's things he shouldn't really be saying, and how hard is it not to laugh! I'm trying to do a better job of recording these things... PS - it's really hard to type in Lincoln-ese...
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