Tuesday, January 26, 2010


A family photo on my first day back to work (part-time)... I missed my baby!

So, it's nearing midnight. My dear husband is asleep on the couch, and my sweet baby is asleep in his crib. They have both been asleep for over an hour, and I just realized I have spent the whole time admiring the two... The TV is blaring, and I have no idea what is on... Taking turns staring at sweet baby on the monitor dozing so peacefully, and admiring dear husband snoring on the sofa... Sometimes I wonder if there is anyone in the world as lucky as I am??

I was just thinking... Before Lincoln was born, people said "It'll change your life," and "You'll never know you could love anything so much." When he finally made it into this world, I loved him, no doubt. But, if it's possible, I think my love for that little child has doubled every day since his arrival... Those people were so very right. I just can't stop thanking God tonight...

Lincoln at 13 weeks

I can't believe sweet baby has already crossed the three month mark. Where does time go? I wish I could find a way to bottle up the smiles and coos, to preserve the snuggles and the drool. Pictures just don't do his sweetness justice!

I mean, how precious is this little grin?!?

Being as it's late, I'll leave this entry short. To be continued at a later date... But I must leave you with one of my "new" favorite quotes as well as some pics of sweet baby. Please enjoy!

11 weeks old

12 weeks old

Holding his own bottle!! (kind of...)

11 weeks (I just love this face!)

"But children grow up, as I've learned to my sorrow. So quiet down cobwebs... Dust, go to sleep... I'm rocking my baby, cause babies don't keep" --Ruth Hulburt Hamilton